Borealis on tour : US premiere at Boston's MIT
Borealis continues its spellbinding tour around the globe! The installation has most recently been to Australia, the UAE and several cities in France, Belgium and the UK. Now due to premiere in the US at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's upcoming Science Festival 6-9th October 2022
New *SECRETS* city ritual
Sharing what makes us human and finding a ritual peace through fire - January premiere for the new SECRETS installation in Rennes at Les Tombées de la Nuit. Relive the experience with the video here and photo gallery here.
#WeAreWatching in Edinburgh skies ahead of COP26
Edinburgh's Dynamic Earth hosts ‘eyes of the world’ climate flag in the lead-up to COP26 We Are Watching comes to Scotland, and Scotland’s Capital City, for the first time ahead of COP26 which will take place in Glasgow next month. Flying on October 12 & 13 alongside the Scottish Parliament building, the unveiling of the global flag also kicks off a programme of public events at Dynamic Earth that celebrate our amazing planet in the run up to COP26.
#WeAreWatching UK tour launches in London
The #WeAreWatching flag flew high in London to open the 2021 GDIF at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Flying the flag close to the line of zero degrees longitude - the symbolic centre of time and space - reinforced its timely and global resonance. Several UK cities will host the flag on its way up to Glasgow’s COP26 this November, spreading its crystal-clear message to leaders with the power to affect climate change : the eyes of the world are upon you.
#WeAreWatching flies over Geneva
Today We Are Watching flew high above Geneva - home of the Human Rights Council - to mark the opening of the FIFDH, International Human Rights Film Festival. After a year of Covid-cancelled events, it was great to raise the flag again! WE ARE WATCHING is a monumental eye, made up of thousands of portraits contributed from 190 countries. It flies high above cities on a flag the size of a 10-storey building, raised at key climate events to hold leaders accountable as they [...]
Mesmerising BOREALIS hits Adelaide again
So happy to be able to bring BOREALIS again to Gluttony and the Adelaide Fringe Festival! Two first for this edition: first, BOREALIS is hovering a beautiful pond, adding to the beauty of the experience, and second: since we couldn't go to Australia because of COVID restrictions, we were able to send the gear and remotely guide an amazing local team for setting up the installation. BOREALIS @Adelaide Fringe, 19 February - 21 March 2021
BOREALIS coming to Paris
BOREALIS is getting back on the road, with 5 countries lined up, starting with Paris (30/7-2/8), details here: Paris L'Été. Happy to see the arts being freed again.
#WeAreWatching over Geneva

EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS The flag will fly high in Geneva, home of the Human Rights Council, to mark the opening of the FIFDH International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights and its 2020 Climate Emergency focus. Raising of the flag with presentations by climate activists on Saturday 7th March at 11am, Plaine de Plainpalais, Geneva.
#WeAreWatching at Madrid march for climate

On Friday 6th December the #WeAreWatching flag was extended and held up by the crowd at the end of the march for climate in Madrid, where the COP25 UN Climate Change conference has gathered hundreds of representatives from 196 countries. Dan presented the project on stage, just before Greta Thunberg and Javier Bardem spoke. A beautiful and emotional moment, with faces from 190 countries being seen by the crowd, carrying their message here in Madrid. The whole thing was streamed live on Spanish [...]
#WeAreWatching flag en route to Madrid COP25

The #WeAreWatching flag, measuring 20m x 30m and featuring thousands of faces from 190 countries, has been printed and is on its way to the COP25. We look forward to meeting it there and thank everyone who helped us navigate the sudden change of venue from Santiago to Madrid!