Happy City Lab works with public authorities, festivals, private companies, trade fairs and conferences as long as our action can have a positive impact on society. We tour or adapt existing projects or design original installations.
Get in touch
We have worked with:
Frank. Sydney
Frank. London
Festival Internacional de Innovación Social-Chile
Adelaide Fringe Festival
Tabi-Labo – Toyko Japan
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Ville de Genève, département de la culture et du sport
Ville de Genève, département de la cohésion sociale et de la solidarité
Ville de Neuchâtel, direction Culture, Sports, Tourisme
Ville d’Yverdon
EPFL Lausanne
TEDxCERN European Organization for Nuclear Research
WEF World Economic Forum
Etat de Genève, Bureau de l’intégration des étrangers
Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement (PNUE)
UNIL Université de Lausanne
Bibliothèques de la Ville de Lausanne
SIG Services industriels de Genève
CMU Centre médical Universitaire
HUG Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève
Salon du Livre de Genève
Comptoir Suisse
Présence Suisse – Ambassade de Suisse à Paris
Magazine OURS
Procter & Gamble
YPO Young Presidents’ Organization
UNEP United Nations Development Program
OSEO Oeuvre suisse d’entraide ouvrière

Support us
Let’s transform our cities ! By supporting Happy City Lab with occasional or regular donations, you too can become an agent of social innovation. You can support the research and development of new initiatives or further the exploration of existing projects in order to multiply their impact and reach new territories.
Your donations are tax-exempt. For more information, please ask for our donors dossier.