Exchange Boxes
Generate spontaneous encounters : locals and passers-by, or colleagues sharing a building, can put any object into the box or take anything they want from it. Books, CDs, DVDs, toys, snow chains... A simple and open exchange is created, guaranteeing new connections. Local artists paint the boxes, turning them into recognisable and much-loved items of street art. To see how we can help you install a box (or several!) visit our official site
" These boxes help teach us to not to waste things and to make other people happy. And they help us to get know people in the neighbourhood a little better. It's great and it's precious to be able to start talking with strangers. Also it's for absolutely everybody: tradespeople, intellectuals, office workers, housewives, young people... "
Christiane Escher, City-dweller living close to a box
" The contents of the boxes represent the life of the company. The day after they arrived they were already full of interesting objects in a good state, and they've not been empty since. "
Caroline Santoro, Head of Events and Internal Communication, Geneva Industrial Services
Exchange boxes bring people together. They help revitalize neighbourhoods and promote contact and connections between neighbours and employees.

Box locations
Around 80 exchange boxes have been successfully installed throughout Switzerland and in France. See their locations here.

Official site
Happy City Lab Exchange Box

You can commission Exchange Boxes as a turnkey project. We can also adapt the project to your needs or create new works for you ; visit our Clients page and get in touch to discuss your requirements.